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Friday, August 7, 2020

The Great Crash of Ethereum ... Has it started now ?! (Real-time follow-up)

What happens to the Ethereum coin?
Has the Great Crash started now ??
The successive decrease in price very quickly indicates a sudden collapse that many had not expected.
Even I had expected in a previous article that the price of Ethereum would fluctuate after breaking the $ 400 barrier and reaching $ 407.
Here is what I said in my previous article, which you can read in full here:

I expect it will continue to swing another time... Perhaps It drops until $ 380 and then rises again to exceed the $ 400 or more... and may settle at 400 a short period before it falls again... But a decline may continue for a longer period this time...


Suddenly, the collapse in Ethereum prices began. Look at the following picture, for example.
This price discrepancy and rapid decline occurred in a few minutes.
I sympathize with those who speculate on Ethereum and watch the price fall quickly as if it is falling from the top of a mountain to hit their hearts that are pounding with speed and dread !!


Now I can reassure you ... don't worry like this...

do not think that it is the expected great collapse...

Not yet...

I think that Ethereum will return quickly as soon as it fell.
It will start to rise and fall wobbling as usual.
The continuous rapid decline means that speculations are beginning to control the price of Ethereum.
This will not last long...
Not to climb...
Nor in the landing...

The price will rise again after speculators reach their target point.
It might reach $ 400 again.
He might break the $ 400 barrier as he did before.

But be careful...

The big drop will start after that...
And it may not rise again until after a while.

Once again I repeat it:

This is only a personal expectation .. and you should not base your decision on it, as I always say...

Be careful if you bet on the higher price.

I will follow with you the rapid change of ethereum prices in successive articles.
But you should know that my words are only personal expectations, as I say, and I repeat.
Do not hold me responsible for any decision that you take regarding buying or selling.

This is your decision, and you have to bear its responsibility alone.

Be fine...


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