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Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Earn Russian ruble from legit site .. (Updated - Update 3)

Update (3)


The Fourth withdrawal from the site Socpublic ...  today April 26, 2020, it took only a few minutes for me to reach my Payeer Bank account.

The following image proves the four withdrawals, noting that work on the site

Socpublic is weak compared to starting work on it, because I am busy trying other sites.



Update (2)


The third withdrawal from the site Socpublic ...  On April 8, 2020, it took only a few minutes for me to reach my Payeer Bank account.

The following image proves the three withdrawals, noting that work on the site

Socpublic is weak compared to starting work on it, because I am busy trying other sites.


Update (1)


The second withdrawal from the site Socpublic ... The minimum withdrawal is 11 rubles. Today, March 17, 2020, it took only a few minutes for me to reach my Payeer Bank account.




Profit from honest and legit sites (1)

Many beginners in the field of profit from working on the Internet are exposed to fraud by SCAM sites .. These beginners do not discover this fact until after a long period of time that may reach several weeks or perhaps several months .. This often frustrates them and they consider that profit from The Internet is just an illusion, and fraud .. I have published in a previous article the method of verifying honest sites through the experiences of others ..

My previous article to check honest sites.

But as I said is not a sure method except for old sites that have been operating for a long time .. As for the new sites, there is no way to verify them except through experience .. And here in this series I put my personal experiences to Profit from honest and legit sites.

The ruble is the most attractive currency in the world

Earn the most attractive currency in the world

The Russian ruble currency is popular with Internet users .. Many want to win and keep it, as it is characterized by a special attraction for workers in the field of profit from the Internet, as it is the most attractive currency in the world .. It is a legitimate sites that grant the ruble our site this.

The name of the site: Socpublic It is a Russian sincere website (on personal experience) .. Look at this picture .. It proves that I took away my profits of 66.16 rubles on 8/ 3/2020 I received it on Payeer Bank on 9/3/2020 which is after only one day.


The following pictures demonstrate the payment of the amount from Payeer Bank and the notice of receipt of the amount in my email.



How to earn rubles from Socpublic?

After we have confirmed the sincerity of the site in the payment, we now turn to the method of profiting from the site as follows:

  1. Register on the site from here. (Note that the site is Russian, it is in Russian .. Therefore it is preferable to register using a browser that supports the translation of the site such as Google Chrome).


  1. After registering, pay attention to two important points .. Go to your e-mail to confirm it by clicking on the link that you will receive on it .. And save the PIN code that will reach you also because you will not be able to withdraw your money except with this PIN code.

  2. After entering the site, you will find it greatly entertaining .. the site offers a means for promotion and the more you upgrade your profits increase .. starting from completing your personal information and your phone number opening the treasure box and obtaining the daily reward .. in addition to browsing the sites and implementing some Tasks from which your earnings differ.

  3. Try to enter on a regular daily basis so that you can move from the newbie level to the student level because you will not be able to withdraw your profits until after reaching a student and this will not be done until after obtaining 50 points.

How many rubles can I earn from Socpublic?

Do not believe the exaggerations that are related to the promotion of this site .. You will not win 1000 rubles (10 dollars) per day as it promotes this to some .. In this field, you do not believe any exaggerations because it will only be a cheap way to entice you to register on the site .. Or the site will be a SCAM and will not be Pay you in the end.

I will talk about my personal experience .. I registered on the site on February 27 .. And after I got to the level of (student) and as I mentioned, I withdrew from it 66.16 rubles on 3/8/2020 .. that is, after almost 10 days.

But you may earn twice or perhaps three times .. There are tasks that I do not prefer to perform despite the fact that in return for their implementation sometimes reaches 50 rubles or more .. You may really win in one day 500 rubles, but you will not win this number or even half of it every day. For the simple reason that the tasks with high profits do not receive their reward until after they are fully implemented, and some of these tasks may take one or two weeks to fully implement them.

How do you develop your profits from Socpublic?

It remains to say that you can actually develop your profits and increase them significantly after skipping all the stages of promotion on the site .. It is as the following pictures show..


Start earning immediately

Now start earning the ruble from Socpublic and try to implement as much ruble as possible, and discover for yourself many exciting and interesting things in the honest site.


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