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Friday, July 3, 2020

Important Tips for Beginners (4): Don't be like prying animals and Plants!

Have you heard about intruding plants and animals? They are plants and animals that live intrudingly over others... They have no life without others...


It's cannot rely on herself to work.
It's cannot depend on herself to eat...
It's cannot depend on herself to survive.

Rather, it always depends on others... It steals its food from them .. And it lives only as long as they are alive because it is in fact stealing their lives so that it can continue life!!

Do not be such animals and plants!

Please do not be surprised...
It is very simple...


Unfortunately, a number of people intrude on the work of others and try to steal their efforts.
I am not talking about trollers or swindlers here. These are criminals.
Rather, I am talking about those who promote themselves through the effort of others.

For example, you are trying to write an article here or in your own blog .. Or maybe you post this on your Facebook page or other communication sites...
Suddenly, you find someone who makes a comment promoting himself.
It simply comes to take advantage of your efforts and puts one or more links to its own sites in order to achieve a fake profit !!

8ae80f1220ef718a945675fdcf22558287dccf6c2da70a489aaaeac70e1a0f61.jpegThese are the Parasiticals that I mean...
They are no different from a parasitic plant or animal...
They live on the effort of others...
And without permission, they try to steal their efforts.

Don't be like this...
Don't be intrusive on someone else...
Try to be not like them .. If you read an article that you like, try to write similar to it and better than it too...
With time and effort, you will do this and you will gain new skills that you did not have...

To earn in the end...


And remember, money is not the only profit you should seek.
Ethics, respect, and acquired skills are all more important than money...

Because all these things will bring you money...
But money will never bring you these important things !!

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